Final Forms Website
(digital version of all athletic paperwork)
Varsity & JV Sports start 3/17/25-6/9/25
Modified Sports start 3/17/25-6/13/25
Please check Schedule Galaxy/Aktivate for game and practice schedules posted.
Reminder Health History forms must be updated every 30 days/before start of the season. Please login to Final Forms to complete this process.
Spring Sports offered at GB:
Golf (Varsity & Modified level)
Boys Lacrosse
Girls Lacrosse
Athletic Director: Joseph Folino
There are exceptional opportunities at General Brown Junior-Senior High School for our students to participate in extracurricular activities. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege that requires dedication and commitment. In participating, our students gain invaluable educational experiences as members of a team or club, as student leaders, and as young adults setting and reaching their goals. This participation enriches their high school years and develops personal standards of discipline.